One day I was finalising my product catalogue I came across a beautiful necklace and while praising the artwork and the elegance of the piece, the small ring shaped connectors took my attention, the ones that hold jewellery pieces together and VOILA! That was it.
I started looking on the web for the name and came to know that its called Charm loop. Fortunately Domain name was also available.
Put simply, a cookie is a small piece of information that web sites use to remember information about users. We use two types of cookies to recognise our members and remember shopping list items. We use transient cookies to provide continuity from page to page. Within a single visit, these cookies store information such as your shopping list to simplify checkout. They do not contain any personally identifying information.
We use persistent cookies to identify members after their first visit. These cookies remain on the hard drive of a PC and allow a user to enter our site without having to log in on every visit. To access any secure areas such as your account information, you must still enter your password.
We measure and track the traffic throughout our site. This anonymous information is used to compile overall statistics and is not recorded at an individual level. The statistics help us decide which products and services best serve our members and guests.
We use aggregate information from demographic surveys and traffic patterns to customise our site. State-of-the-art comparison technology allows us to use this information to make recommendations to members based on previous traffic patterns and purchases. We only use information on an aggregate level and do not track information about individuals. Aggregate information may be shared with our partners to plan advertising or promotions. We do not share any individual information and this data is all anonymous.
Once in a while, we may offer you the opportunity to participate in customer satisfaction, site improvement, and other business-related surveys. You may be asked to provide certain information to participate. Sometimes we partner with other companies to deliver these surveys. All surveys are optional.
- Name
- E-mail address
- Billing address
- Telephone number
But don’t worry, the information you provide us stays with us (like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas) and remains confidential. We keep it all to ourselves and won’t ever share or sell it to another company.
We promise we’ll try to stop the order from going through, but keep in mind that our order-fulfillment system is designed to get orders shipped and on their way to our customers as fast and as efficiently as possible. That means that even if you contact our Customer Service Department immediately after you change your mind about your order, it might already be in the shipping process. If that happens, we can’t change or cancel an order once its journey to you has begun. So, if your order can’t be cancelled, and you still don’t love it after its arrived – just return it to us following our 30-day money back return policy. Please see our detailed Return Policy here: http://www.charmloop.pk/refund-policy